The V&A Waterfront Property Company is looking to use the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean to cool its buildings, according to a note circulated on Tuesday by Simply Green Online, a South African website focussing on green news and information.
Colin Devenish, executive manager of the company's services
department, is expected to present a proposal to shareholders for a
R4.6m project to achieve this.
Devenish spoke late last year at the
Green Building Council Convention in Cape Town where the Council's
environmental ratings system for buildings, Green Star SA, was launched.
Devenish said that the V&A Waterfront Company's 85 buildings were valued in the region of R7bn. While seawater is already used in the Waterfront residential units, the proposed project will use seawater for the air-conditioning in the retail sector.
Of the company's energy bill, 40%-50% is for air conditioning while
17% to 25% is for lighting.
An audit by specialised contractors of
the entire electrical and water services is underway and is also
expected to highlight ways to conserve water in toilet flushing systems
as well as the recycling of water. The company will be going out to
tender for a recycling operator in the near future.
Source: GreenBuildingSA